Show me what you got! : Proof of Achievement

Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2020


  • Social distancing and community
  • Socializing with skin in the game: 20-push ups x 30 days challenge
  • What else can we use Kickback for? Metacartel bounty
  • Last not least, Gitcoin CLR Round 5

Social distancing and community

Like many other event/community-related businesses, COVID-19 is hitting us hard. All community meetups scheduled in March were canceled and there are no new events happening in the foreseeable feature.

Even though people are doing physical social distancing all over the world, that does not stop socializing online. People start experimenting with new ways of socializing such as meet-up marathon, VR event, etc.

Socializing with skin in the game: 20-push ups x 30 days challenge

While wondering around what kind of other social events I could host on Kickback, I got invited to a peculiar event called “Peer Pressure DAO”, which is to show each other doing push up every day.

The idea is to use peer pressure as a drive to stay healthy. I have been watching “7 minutes abs” YouTube videos for the last 3 days but it is quite dry and hard to keep up so didn’t have a chance to extend my exercise routine to pushups yet. This is a great opportunity so I accepted the challenge and here is me trying

While doing the exercise, I thought this would be a great way to try to use Kickback as I often receive the request of using Kickback for activities such as going to the gym.

Unfortunately, the gym I signed up is now closed due to COVID-19 but anyone can do pushups at home, so here you go.

The rule is simple.

  • Commit your ETH if you got what it takes.
  • Join our telegram channel
  • Every day, post the proof to the group channel (It resets 00:00 UTC every day).
  • if you don’t post within a 24 hr period, you get a strike.
  • 3 strikes and you are out.
  • Whoever completes the 30 days challenge or the last person standing will share the pot.

We got the first 10 spots filled even before publicly announced, but we opened up 10 more spots, so everyone is welcome to join the experiment.

What else can we use Kickback for? Invent something during Metacartel “Dragon Quest” hackathon!

How we operate Kickback for this push-up challenge is exactly the same as how we check-in through normal events. We have an admin dashboard and admins check-in manually. However, can we think about automating ways to only check in people who achieve something such as winning games, completing missions, etc so that the pool of commitment is used as a crowd-funded reward? This is exactly the reason Kickback joined as a bounty provider for the upcoming Metacartel “Dragon Quest” hackathon.

Here are some ideas

  • “Selfie contest at CryptoVoxels”= At CryptoVoxels, you can take photos at a parcel that gets posted on its home page. CV actually exposes the data at . Can you create a “selfie contest app” where participants vote best photos and top x gets all the commitment?
  • Fitbit 1 month challenge = Fitbit already offers a way to create a leaderboard to compete the steps with your friend. Can we have a competition platform to award top achievers?
  • Game tournament = If there are any e-sports platforms, can you integrate with Kickback to turn it into a crowdsourced tournament event platform?
  • MOOC completion reward = Get paid if you complete MOOC (Massively Open Online Courses, such as Coursera, Udacity).

The winning team will be awarded 500 DAI. It may not be the highest prized bounty but certainly the fun one to hack. Why don’t you join the hackathon (as well as joining our push up the challenge)?

Last not least, Gitcoin CLR round 5

Like any other project, it will cost money to run the service. Our backend service is especially resource-intensive and getting to the point that we may have to suspend our service for a few months unless we make huge improvements. Even though we try our best to prevent service downtime, it would be great if we can receive your kind donation so that we can pay to keep our service up and running.

FYI, the expected monthly running cost of our backend system is 200~300 DAI so we would like to target to cover the amount during Gitcoin CLR round 5. For those of you who have donated so far (60 DAI from 23 contributors), thank you so very!

